Podcasts are Coming to YouTube Music

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YouTube Music Podcasts

Alexander Shatov/Unsplash/TechCrunch

Though YouTube is a hotbed for video podcasts, the Google-owned platform hasn’t cracked straight-up audio shows just yet. YouTube podcasting head Kai Chuk announced Thursday that podcasts will be added to YouTube Music soon.

“We will soon start to bring both audio and video-first podcasts to YouTube Music for users in the U.S., making podcasts more discoverable and accessible, with more regions to come,” a YouTube spokesperson told TechCrunch. “This will help make the podcasts that users already love on YouTube, available in all the places they want to listen.”

Fear not — background listening will be available for free, so even if you lock your phone while listening, your show will not be interrupted. However, the free service will be ad-supported.

Announced at the Hot Pod Summit, this news follows other recent YouTube feature updates like multi-language audio dubbing on videos and custom radio stations on YouTube Music. Read More

Article originally written by Amanda Silberling and published on TechCrunch

Community Hot Take
Elevated You - Black History Month

In honor of Black History Month our very own Podfest community member Kay Cote curated an incredible series of podcast episodes on her podcast, Elevated You.

Kicking off the month with Actress, Salisha Thomas sharing how she's found the courage to get back on Broadway with her upcoming role in Once Upon A One More Time.

Then hear from Wally Green, celebrity table tennis athlete, entrepreneur and speaker who shares his story of how the sport of ping pong saved his life.

Keep the motivation going with Transformational Truth Teacher and Best Selling Author, Kute Blackson as she shares his story of having to make a huge pivot to follow his life mission.

Hear from model, military member and actress, Tamika Reid who's transformed her life and growing a successful modeling career & Trauma Life Coach and podcast host, Michael Unbroken as she shares how his childhood trauma has led him on his journey to serve as a voice and coach to become unbroken. 

Elevated You Podcast exists to help those who want to rid the false beliefs they've taken on as their truth from being bullied to rediscover their life purpose and live in alignment with who they really are. Listen Here

Fake IG Accounts


Whether it's a spammy bio or an eerily similar username to an account you already follow, there are tons of fake Instagram accounts popping up every day. 

And while Instagram frequently removes bots and fake accounts, hundreds still slip through the cracks. 

So, how can you tell which accounts are real and which are fake? Read More

Podcast Career Opportunities

🎤 🎧 My favorite part of having severe anxiety is being repeatedly asked, "but why are you anxious?"I'm Sara host of Why am I Anxious Today?, a former advertising copywriter turned finance marketer and financial counselor turned business owner who struggles with her own mental health every day. I am definitely not a therapist, just bringing you in on my daily experience to publicize the conversation around mental health and show that you're not alone.

Join me throughout the week to find out what made me cascade into a vortex of despair that day because sharing my downward spiral on the internet is a lot cheaper than therapy.

🎤 🎧  Anti-Fragile Entrepreneurship asks the question: Did you start your online business with the dream of being your own boss, only to wake up one day and realize you’re working harder now than ever before? If you answered yes, chances are you’re an overworked entrepreneur who’s lacking one of the four key systems needed to build a business that runs on autopilot… and right now, your business is running you.

Time, energy, and effort are limited resources, so when you depend solely on these to scale a business, you cap your income, influence, and impact. But true visionary leaders operate differently, because they know that inconsistent lead flow and revenue isn’t a reflection of your messaging, your expertise, or your skillset — it’s a problem that goes much deeper, and (lucky for you) is a simple fix. …The question is, are you ready?

🎤 🎧 By sharing tips, resources, and actionable guidance for women weekly on Reaching Abundance, host Virginia Elder wants you to challenge your mindset and expand your perspective on the intersection of money, motherhood, and entrepreneurship. 

Her journey toward debt freedom bloomed into a never-ending drive toward financial education, mindset work, and self-improvement. She discusses consistency, intention, positive parenting, true self-care, budgeting, debt-freedom strategies, personal finance lessons, and encouragement toward simplicity for this busy mom life. Collectively edge toward the abundant life of your dreams right alongside her.


🎤 🎧  Meredith for Real is all about less canceling. More curiosity. Each episode delivers an unlikely perspective or paradox to give you a break from the algorithm. Each conversation is wildly different than the last, so bring your ADD & your earbuds & have a look around!

Meredith talks about everything from cannabis to cannibalism. Not sure where to start? Try episode 86 with the accidental swingers or 94 with the Irish Catholic comedian who converted to Orthodox Judaism.

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