The Actively Established Podcast Report: October 2023

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Image: Nick Barcly/The Verge

The podcasting landscape is increasingly competitive, making it essential for podcasters to understand the metrics that contribute to long-term success.

One valuable resource in this regard is the "Actively Established Podcast Report" by Alex Sanfilippo. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the report's key findings and methodologies, offering insights that are particularly beneficial for those involved in interview-based podcasting.

The report defines an "actively established" podcaster as one who hosts an interview-based show and has consistently released more than 100 episodes, typically over a period of at least two years. The 100-episode threshold is not arbitrary; the report indicates that podcasters generally begin to experience meaningful audience engagement and influence after reaching this milestone. Therefore, the 100-episode mark serves as a critical benchmark for those aiming to grow their influence and achieve sustained success in the podcasting arena.

One of the distinguishing features of this report is its commitment to data currency. The report is updated monthly, based on specific date-range criteria, to assess the number of podcasts that have either succeeded or failed during that period. Additionally, historical averages are incorporated into the data to provide a more comprehensive view. The report maintains consistency by adhering to the "Actively Established" standard throughout its analyses. Read More

Community Hot Take

News that online streamers and podcasters will soon be required to register with Canada's broadcasting regulator is raising confusion and concerns that heavier regulation may be coming.

Late Friday afternoon, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission announced that online streaming and podcasting services operating in Canada with $10 million or more in annual revenue in this country, will have to register with it before Nov. 28.

Registration involves providing the legal name of a company, its address, its telephone number and email, and what type of services it offers. In its decision, released Friday, the CRTC called registration a "very light" burden. Read More

Article originally written by Anis Heydari and published on CBC News.

Podtrac provides the podcast industry’s only ranking of top publishers, as well as the industry's only ranking of podcasts based on unique audience counts. New Publisher and Podcast Rankings are published each month using consistent measurement methodology for apples-to-apples audience sizing.

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Podtrac is in a unique position to produce rankings for the industry. With its ubiquitous podcast measurement technology across all sources of podcast traffic, its measurement relationships with the majority of top publishers in the industry, and over 15 years experience in analyzing more than 70 billion unique podcast streams and downloads, Podtrac has access to data and experience that can't be matched by anyone else in the industry. Learn More

Check out this hilarious Allstate commercial that reinforces the popularity of our favorite content medium. Watch here

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The following rates, which are denoted as cost per thousand or CPM, are published monthly by Libsyn’s AdvertiseCast, the industry’s premier podcast advertising marketplace that connects advertisers with podcasters. The Company releases the figures to empower the podcaster and advertiser communities to readily monitor market pricing and provide greater insight into podcasting advertising as a monetization vehicle. The data is derived from actual sales data across AdvertiseCast’s network of thousands of shows.

For September 2023, the average CPM rate was $22.91 for a 60-second ad spot. That figure is up 3.8% compared to last month (August 2023 avg. CPM rate: $22.07) and has decreased year-over-year (September 2022 avg. CPM rate: $23.94).

The three highest CPM categories in September based on delivered advertising were:

  • Education: $27

  • Arts: $26

  • Technology: $25

Moreover, three categories where advertisers can effectively tap into highly engaged audiences at more accessible CPM rates include Fiction, News, and TV & Film, which averaged around the low 20s in September. Read More

Podcast Career Opportunities

 🎤 🎧 This show is for content creators who want to monetize their passion by embracing their profitable superpowers. Whether you're starting your entrepreneurial journey or want to take things to the next level, this podcast will help you Get Radical with Your Business!

Join host Heather Zeitzwolfe, long-time vegan, Gen-Xer, cat mom, drag queen enthusiast, and collector of weird dolls and lunchboxes. Using her professional background in business, marketing, design, and finance, she's here to help you get off the cash flow rollercoaster and have smooth-sailing profits. If you're ready to crush your fears, take action, and do things scrappy, then pop on your headphones!

 🎤 🎧 Join 'Failure Guy' Ben Currier for a look into the darker side of success. In this podcast, we will find out the hardest moments successful people endured and the failures they encountered on the way towards actually 'making it'.

It is said that we learn the most from our mistakes. Save yourself some time by seeing how my guests had things go horribly wrong and what they learned in the process!

🎤 🎧 Are you ready to embark on a remarkable journey of self-discovery and growth? Welcome to EZ Conversations, a groundbreaking podcast that dives deep into mental health, societal issues, and the incredible human ability to overcome adversity. This captivating podcast is designed to uplift, inspire, and provide practical insights while fostering a sense of community and shared understanding.

Hosted by mental health advocate and therapist Furkhan Dandia.

🎤 🎧 Hosted by Addi and Darrell, The Stranger Things Podcast is a fun and insightful look into the upside down world of Stranger Things. Each episode includes meme of the week, news and rumors, quote of the week, episode discussion, and more.

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