Why Audience Demographics is the Most Important Podcast Metric

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What if we told you that creating a high-quality, engaging branded podcast is only one side of the equation? 

The other half is ensuring that your show reaches the right listeners – which requires understanding your target audience’s preferences and finding where they live online. 

Because at the end of the day, what’s the point of creating a podcast if it’s not reaching the right listeners? Especially for branded podcasts, this element is critical. It’s not just about creating a great podcast, it’s about creating a great podcast that reaches your target audience so that you can get them to insert goal (perceive your brand in a certain way, know that your brand exists, get leads or customers, increase website visitors, etc.) 

And thankfully we have a solution: podcast listener demographics. Read More

Article originally written by Tianna Marinucci published on CoHost.

Community Hot Take

From peak listening hours to the most prominent discovery methods, these Fan Study insights are designed to help you refine your creative process, connect with fans, and grow your show. Based on Spotify listener consumption and creator practices, the gathered data across three focus areas from Being Seen to Being Heard and Being Connected. Read More

Highlights of the October 2023 rankings include :

  • US UMA increased or was flat for all but one of the Top 20 publishers in October 2023 over September 2023.

  • The average US Unique Monthly Audience for the Top 20 publishers was up 6% month-over-month and down 6% over October 2022.

  • Total Global Downloads for the Top 20 publishers were down 1% month-over-month and down 9% year-over-year.

  • The combined Audience for the Top Sales Networks was up 5% month-over-month. Read More

In this video, Riverside.fm explores the top podcasting trends to watch out for in 2023. Learn how to boost your podcasting skills and stand out from the crowd with game-changing strategies and insights. Watch Here

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What is an Actively Established Podcaster? An Actively Established Podcast is defined as an interview-based podcast with at least 100 episodes and a release cadence of 10 days or less that’s run by a host who isn’t a celebrity, or part of a major media network.

Big news from the AE Report this November: We're seeing a real uptick in podcasting stamina! The leap from 45.5% to 48.6% of podcasters hitting that 8-episode mark might seem small at first glance, but here's the kicker: with over 208,000 new podcasts this year, that's 6,465 more podcasters crossing this milestone. That's not just a blip on the radar – it's a significant shift in the podcasting landscape! Read More

Podcast Career Opportunities

 🎤 🎧 Welcome to Fabulous Over Fifty, where we encourage, inspire, and empower women to find their fabulousness! No matter where you live or how much money you have, fabulous is a state of mind - & we only get one life so let’s enjoy the heck out of it!

Are you tired of all the airbrushing that makes 80 year olds look 18, and our obsession with being size 4? Me too! That's why I started the fabulous over 50 podcast. It's time for us to celebrate being at an age where we stop giving two craps about what other people think and just live fabulously - whatever that means to each of us! I'm your host, Jen Hardy, and I'm going to take you on a journey to the fabulousness inside yourself. Because fabulous is a state of mind.

 🎤 🎧 Looking to play big in your career without putting your personal life on pause? Join Megha as she sits down with a best-in-class leader to unpack strategies on how they maintain Zen-like composure, power through setbacks while remaining true to their purpose in the Boardroom and beyond.

After experiencing wild success in corporate America as a Fortune 100 executive, Megha is now the CEO of Boardroom Zen™ - an Executive Coaching & Advisory firm. By applying her signature approach to level up mindset, body, and energy, she helps leaders reach and thrive in big-ticket positions.

🎤 🎧 Raise Your Volume is THE podcast for women who are sick and tired of being quiet about the things that matter. It is time to claim your power, claim your voice, and make the changes you wish to see in the world. On this podcast we talk about the big issues, the small issues, and all the things in between that our society steeped in patriarchal perspectives says nice women shouldn't talk about. 

The women who are guests on this podcast are not afraid of being too loud, too bold, or too passionate. These women raise the volume on their voices, and are not quieted by people's rules, expectations, & "shoulds".

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